
tched the ghost body return to the center. There was a dead silence in my heart.

tched the ghost body return to the center. There was a dead silence in my heart.
/Yiza walked up to me, stared at me and sneered, raised his hand and slapped my cheek. It hurt but I couldn’t fight back. With blood on his face, Yi Zha lowered his head and said, “Sure enough, I can’t move. Haha, wasn’t it very fierce just now? Didn’t you say you wanted to destroy my plan? You damn sure destroyed it!”
It kicked him I kicked the ground. He stepped on my head with his foot and shouted: “Isn’t it very powerful? Isn’t the Ziwei Guhuang on the road very strong? Isn’t he very famous? If you want to stop my plan for so many years, I will let you watch carefully. The ceremony will be completed soon. You can’t save this child, and you can’t save the lives of your brothers. Haha.”
I fell to the ground, unable to argue. Yizha turned around and walked to the side of the ceremony. He looked at the ghost body floating in the dark atmosphere of the ceremony and said with a smile: “It’s coming soon!
” It will weaken, and without the blessing, you will never be able to be reincarnated as an adult in your life.”
I said weakly, but I was met with cynicism.
“Blessings? What do I need that thing for? Being a ghost is much more comfortable than being a human! Do you really think you are happy being a human? You have been suffering for decades, and you will continue to suffer when you come to the underworld. What I want to do is be a part of the underworld. Overlord, when I get back everything that originally belonged to me, it will be 11,000 times better than being a human being.”
It walked to the front of the ghost body, held the child in its hands, slowly raised the child, and recited the scripture in a low voice. As the sound came out, some purple energy slowly floated out of the ghost. This purple energy looked very strange, rotating around the location of the ceremony. Even though I was so far away, I could still feel a wave coming from here. There was a terrible and disgusting power coming from the air.
It’s scarier than any qi I’ve ever seen before. This is the truly terrifying existence in the ghost body.
/As the chanting of the mantra began, the qi gradually fell around the child, and the child’s cries became louder and louder. It seemed that he was instinctively feeling scared, but he could not resist. If the purple qi penetrated into the child’s body, the consequences could be imagined. And know.
At this moment, there was a noise from behind me. I reluctantly raised myself up, but what I saw when I turned around was Guizha Moyang. The short one was watching all this with a cold face.
“Mo Yang, stop it quickly. If it succeeds in completing the ritual, all living beings will be devastated and the underworld will also suffer.”
I shouted.
But Mo Yang looked at me coldly and said, “The underworld has existed for so long, and it will not die because of this incident. People in the underworld will die one day, and they will come down sooner or later. What’s the difference between dying early and dying later?”