
tly and gently closed the palace door.

tly and gently closed the palace door.
Sandalwood curled up, and a ray of morning light spread through the window screen and fell on the jade couch. Behind the curtain, only a slender figure of the woman on the couch was revealed, holding two babies in her arms. One was crying desperately with her mouth open, while the other was giggling.
Looking at the woman’s back, Zhou Jijun stood blankly on the spot, his eye circles suddenly turned red.
I have been pregnant for nearly half a month, and I have been waiting patiently, just to prevent myself from worrying too much, and I don’t even want to tell anyone that I gave birth today. All the pain was borne by herself. She was lonely in the palace and had long-lasting love, but she survived countless springs and autumns, which was long and difficult.
It was only then that Zhou Jijun understood Bihua’s heart. Who said that a woman’s heart is unpredictable? If she has been in love for a long time, even if she is thousands of miles away, her heart will only contain the man with whom she has been dating for a long time.
“Big devil, what are you doing here? Why don’t you come and see you two little devils?”
came Bihua’s voice, sweet with a hint of coquettishness, just like that year when the two of them stayed together in the southeast mountains. At that time, it was just a little more weak.
Tears rolled down his eyes, Zhou Jijun couldn’t bear it anymore, he strode forward, pushed aside the bead curtain, and embraced Bihua into his arms.
The golden brilliance of the morning sun slipped away inch by inch, shrouding Zhou Jijun and Bihua in a shallow halo. The two “little devils” also became quiet. When they were born, their eyes could not open wide and could only be narrowed into two. With a gap like a crescent moon, he tilted his head and looked at Zhou Jijun curiously.
Time seemed to have stopped, Zhou Jijun and Bihua hugged each other, the sandalwood scent lingered, and the misty morning light complemented each other.
/“I cried so hard in front of them that I didn’t even look like a father.”
Bihua raised her head with a smile, stretched out her hand to caress Zhou Jijun’s cheek, and stared at Zhou Jijun’s pale cheeks after more than thirty years of separation. She was smiling, but a line of clear tears rolled down her beautiful eyes.
Lowering his head and pressing those red lips, Zhou Jijun hugged Bihua, but he was worried that she was weak and did not dare to hug her tightly.
There are thousands of words, but there is no need to say them, just this kiss is enough. For more than thirty years, Zhou Jijun walked on the journey to the West. He drank by the moon outside the pavilion and by the ancient road, but he always thought about the woman sitting alone in the palace on the other side of the moon, and Bihua was no different.
The baby girl’s laughter came. Bihua’s face turned red and she pushed the reluctant Zhou Jijun away.
“I didn’t want to sue you, but I didn’t expect you to come back on your own.”
Bihua twisted her green-white jad