
n the body comes from thirty thousand years later.

n the body comes from thirty thousand years later.
“Yes, soul inheritance, but how to carry out soul inheritance specifically?” “Inheritance, don’t count on me, the risk is too great, I won’t take action.” After saying this, Lord Xiaon stretched his body, and without waiting for Lin Yun to urge him, he dived into the ring.
Seeing Mr. Sean, who was greedy for life and fearful of death, disappear, Lin Yun was a little dumbfounded for a moment.
But then again
, Lin Yun really didn’t need to ask others about how to carry out soul inheritance.
Time passed day by day
, and in the blink of an eye, another half month passed.
The return time on the plane road is longer than Lin Yun imagined.
Through the twisted void, it can still be clearly seen that the doomsday storm is raging in the Apocalypse Plane. It is as red as blood, almost filling the Apocalypse Plane. In every corner, the only thing that has not been affected is probably the void cemetery that Lin Yun once stepped into.
However, this is only a matter of time.
Once the doomsday storm breaks out, the entire world will turn into nothingness. Even the void cemetery where ancient gods and demons are buried will definitely not be an exception.
After spending half a month, Lin Yun finally extracted another hundred thousand runes from that drop of silver dragon’s blood.
/At this time, the number of runes accumulated in the magic array in Lin Yun’s body had reached an astonishing two hundred thousand!
If this were placed in the world of Northrend, I am afraid that ordinary titled magicians would turn pale with fright when they saw it. What is the concept of two hundred thousand runes? That means he knows almost half of the runes in the world and uses omniscience and omnipotence to do it. It is not an exaggeration to describe it. The spells that can be combined with these 200,000 runes are simply breathtaking. This kind of abnormal accumulation of runes, even in the peak era of extremely developed magic civilization, can definitely be described as appalling. describe.
No archmage has ever been able to accumulate such an astonishing number of runes.
Even the Archmage who also possesses magic energy arrays cannot.
At this time, the magic energy arrays in Lin Yun’s body have been expanded to the limit. A total of nine magic energy arrays cannot accommodate such huge runes. , Lin Yun could now clearly feel that the nine magic energy arrays in his body seemed cumbersome and bloated, and their operation seemed jerky and slow. Lin Yun knew that his current situation was like eating. I took too many supplements and was so supplemented that I couldn’t even walk.
At this time, I only had two options.
Either spit out these supplements, or digest these supplements completely.
Lin Yun would definitely be unwilling to spit them out.
So the only option is to digest these supplements
half a month later, Lin Yun sat On the road to the plane, he never stood up again. Everyone could clearly feel that an astonishing magic wave was emanating from Lin Yun,