
e value of the artworks collected by Mr. Getty during his lifetime must also be calculated separately.

e value of the artworks collected by Mr. Getty during his lifetime must also be calculated separately.
The name of this art center will be changed to the Getty Lin Art Center in the near future. “Linn” is Anya’s middle name in English. Mrs. Cecilia used to call her this name when she was a child, but rarely calls her that as she grows up.
It was similar to other art centers. It was just a museum visit. Since she decided to temporarily keep it for Han Xuan, Anya didn’t mention anything she didn’t want to accept.
When she first went out, her mind was still confused by the little story that happened in the morning. Now she has forgotten it. She took his arm and visited. Their relationship was indeed much closer.
They left the Getty Lynn Art Center. It was already noon. Went to downtown Los Angeles and found a place to have a simple lunch.
Christmas is always a relaxing time. The store has temporarily entered a period of sluggish business due to the end of discount promotions. However, because of the holiday, there are still many people shopping and shopping. They can’t find anything to do, so the two of them simply go to the library.
In the past two days, I have received text messages from many people to congratulate them on the festival. Each text message can bring Han Xuan a negligible profit, which can add up to a lot. The profit earned from it this year is expected to reach more than 1.66 billion. Ten thousand U.S. dollars.
The patent rights do not belong to the Blueberry Group, but to the HOPE Group. In other words, most of the money went into his personal pocket.
Sitting on the sofa in the library, he replied one by one. The copy and paste function did not appear. It took a long time to finish the reply. Anya sat next to him and read a book.
/There are many descriptions of the decadent life in the upper class of France’s July Dynasty in “La Traviata” written by Alexandre Dumas. I didn’t think much of it before, but today I can’t help but think of the scene that happened in the morning. Anya pretended not to care, In fact, I felt extremely embarrassed.
The Los Angeles Times building is located next to the library.
/Today, many colleagues called Editor White and asked him what he wanted to do. Everyone knew that it was big news, and they were unwilling to miss this opportunity to ride on the news and gain popularity for their company.
Old White was very proud of this. He chose CBS as a partner. After a phone call with its boss, the media tycoon Mr. Redstone, he paid $7.4 million for the interview. The opportunity of a Vietnamese person was sold to the other party.
CBS is now competing fiercely with ABC. With Redstone’s power, he is not afraid of the Han family. The starting point for all decisions is money.
That night, CBS broadcast a hastily recorded interview on the news. The Vietnamese man said he was innocent and expressed disappointment in the conduct of the Han family and his son.
He mentioned that maybe it was because the guy who beat him was Chinese and he was also a friend of Han