
as completely passive but not in a hurry, he took a deep breath and thought about how to fight back. And just after the two people started fighting, the only ones left on the scene were Yuan Feng and the last ancestor on the opposite side.

as completely passive but not in a hurry, he took a deep breath and thought about how to fight back. And just after the two people started fighting, the only ones left on the scene were Yuan Feng and the last ancestor on the opposite side.
This person looked like a thin old man, with his back and waist hunched over, and he looked weak. But Yuan Feng was not relaxed at all. On the contrary, she looked at the old man with a strange expression.
“You have grown up, Feng’er.” The old man suddenly said to Yuan Feng.
/Yuan Feng smiled and said: “Yes, it has been many years and I have not heard from you, Master.”
Yuan Feng has a total of two teachers in this life. One of them took her in and taught her skills. The master. The other one was the old lady who later helped her in 507. Back then, Yuan Feng’s master taught the sisters and then disappeared without a trace. Years passed and it seemed that such a person had never appeared in the world.
“Haha, I thought you had forgotten me, old man.” The old man smiled.
/“You are my mentor, how could I forget? But I didn’t expect that you were the ancestor of Zhongtian Sect, let alone that one day I would stand on the opposite battlefield with you. If possible, I ask you not to Do it with me.” After saying that, Yuan Feng bowed to the old man with great respect.
“When I took you in and taught you skills, I never thought that such a day would come. In fact, when I woke up from the seal, I wanted to teach you skills and turn you into one of the new forces I was about to establish. But unfortunately, Later, something happened that distracted me and I had to leave. Feng’er, you are a gifted child. You can even be said to be the most gifted child I have ever seen in the field of elf. I still have many abilities. Teach you, if you are willing to follow me, I will teach you everything I can, and the power I will build in the future will also be yours. As you can see, your master’s time has come.”
Yuan Feng’s master said to Yuan. For Feng, it is not just a matter of being a mentor, but also a kind of upbringing. From childhood to adulthood, the emotions involved are very complicated. In Yuan Feng’s heart, she even regarded her mentor as a benefactor, a master, a father and even an idol.
He can do anything he can’t do well, and all fairies who don’t want to get close to him will listen to him. For a little girl, the identities of her father and her idol can easily overlap.
She was ready for a fight. But when he saw the true appearance of the old man opposite him, he hesitated. How could I fight and kill someone who I thought was almost perfect and even loved him?
“I don’t need your status and power. I hope you can leave here as soon as possible without us having to do anything.” Yuan Feng whispered.
“Haha, that’s fine. We are master and apprentice after all. Unlike them, I don’t want to harm you. Come on, let me take a good look at you.” The old man sighed. His expression was full of kindness and concern for Yuan Feng. He stretched out his hand, and Yuan Feng seemed t