
illions of kilometers. It sometimes expands, blowing up terrible solar winds.

illions of kilometers. It sometimes expands, blowing up terrible solar winds.
Zhang Lisheng was very lucky and did not encounter any abnormality during the charge. However, in the few seconds when he passed through the corona, he still felt the slight tingling on his skin and the feeling of burning fire. Although it was not so painful that he had to consume the Faith Gem again. It was a serious situation, but it was enough to alert him that the dangers and difficulties he would face in the near future might be more terrifying than expected.
Chapter 736: Stone Refining (2)
From the perspective of earth astronomy, the top-down structure of a star can be divided into an atmosphere that can be subdivided into three parts: the chromosphere, the photosphere, and the corona; the thickness is about a dozen Thousands of kilometers of troposphere; radiation area overflowing with various electromagnetic radiation and particle flows, as well as the core of stars and nuclear reaction area.
/After Zhang Lisheng crossed the corona in one go, his body suddenly became relaxed. He guessed that he had come to the chromosphere and photosphere areas with the mildest temperature in the structure of the sun, so he slowed down his flight speed and did the last steps before taking the risk. Prepare.
The chromatic sphere is only under the corona, with a thickness of about two thousand kilometers. The temperature at the top is affected by the corona, reaching tens of thousands of degrees. However, after breaking through the high temperature blockade, the temperature will begin to obey the ‘law of conservation of energy’ because of the distance from the star. The core of the source of light and heat is farther away and drops suddenly.
God Wu Li leisurely passed through the halo that exuded brilliant brilliance like a red rose, gradually leaving the chromosphere behind and flying to the photosphere of the sun.
This area is composed of opaque gas, with a thickness of only about 500 kilometers, but it is the clearest boundary line of the sun. Almost all the light seen by billions of creatures on the earth is emitted by this layer. Zhang Lisheng looked around , seeing that the surroundings were indeed filled with colorful and brilliant light, a smile of admiration appeared on his face.
Then he looked far into the distance, using his otherworldly eyesight to watch the seemingly endless red and black flames and electromagnetic storms one layer closer to the star. He rubbed the handful of stones of faith with his huge palms, sparing no effort. clenched his fist again. He crushed a dozen more of them.
In an instant, a massive amount of pure white power of faith spread out from the broken stones. Drawn by the divine power, it completely enveloped the huge figure of God Wu Li.
Feeling that the power of faith around his body had isolated the blazing heat, Zhang Lisheng stopped delaying and accelerated towards the depths of the sun.
According to his expectation, the troposphere, which is only a few hundred thousand kilometers thick, sh