
birth to a son. In the end, no one wanted it, so Gu Yu gave birth to himself. Kill my son!”

birth to a son. In the end, no one wanted it, so Gu Yu gave birth to himself. Kill my son!”
After saying that, I kicked him again in the face.
“Holy shit. Are you a fucking human?”
The fat man cursed.
Gu Yu had a cold face, lowered his head, and didn’t speak for a long time. I was so angry that the so-called tiger poison cannot eat its seeds. I didn’t expect that someone would actually kill his own son. No matter how sinister and cunning a man may be on the outside, there are two things he must never do. First, he must not be disobedient to his parents, and second, he must not harm his own son.
“I didn’t kill him!”
/After a while, Gu Yu suddenly whispered.
I heard him say. We looked up.
“I said I didn’t kill him, I didn’t kill my son.” Gu Yu shook his head, but his face was full of sadness, “I raised my son until he was two years old. To be honest, I really didn’t want to raise him at the beginning. , because I didn’t have the ability to take care of him. I was still very young at that time, and sometimes I couldn’t even take care of myself. How could I have the money to take care of a child? But I still raised him for two years. I loved him very much. I never thought I could be a father, but I found out later that he was my son and I wanted to raise him for the rest of my life!”
“Then why did he die? If you said he didn’t kill him, then who was he?”
The fat man pointed at him and asked.
“It was fucking human traffickers who did it!” Gu Yu roared suddenly, “My son was taken away when he was two years old. I chased him for a month, relying on many connections, and found many people on the road. Help, the last thing I saw was the mutilated child. The traffickers said that my son kept crying, and they were afraid of being exposed, so they tried to cover his mouth with their hands, but it took too long and my son died. Because I was afraid of being discovered, I decided to cut him into pieces and throw him into the river. However, I did not take good care of him. Later, I asked someone to bring his soul back. I kept him as a little ghost. But my son was too resentful and turned into a ghost when he came back. In desperation, I had no choice but to trap him by my side. If I died, my son’s life would be over. The soul will also be wiped out. Today, I will let it out only if there is really no other way.”
/After saying that, Gu Yu covered his face and cried bitterly. It’s not that men don’t cry sometimes, but they just don’t want to mention really sad things.
“If it weren’t for the fact that I was outnumbered and injured, how could I have let my son out! There was nothing I could do,”
Gu Yu cried loudly, but I stood aside and was stunned. My chest felt tight, wasn’t it me who caused the situation where both Gu Yu and the white-faced weirdo would lose? I was the one who designed this fight. If we didn’t interfere, maybe Gu Yu wouldn’t be forced to a dead end. If he hadn’t been forced into a desperate situation, he wouldn’t have released his son’s soul.
So, in fact, I was the one who ki