
snake, It actually froze the air in front of it into ice.

snake, It actually froze the air in front of it into ice.
/“Why, you’re not talking anymore. Hee hee, are you scared to see me? It’s really boring. After so many years, except for that silly boy Qian Libang, everyone looks like this when they see me.” The white python spat. She spoke in a voice that sounded like an eighteenth-year-old girl, soft and gentle.
“Monster, shut up!” But it was Shamoni who saw Yue Rakshasa’s unprecedented miserable state, her eyes turned red, and she roared at the white python.
The white python’s round, crystal-clear eyes flashed and looked at Samoni with great interest. The corners of his mouth were slightly curved, and he was actually smiling, “When did Buddhism start to be practiced in this land of seven states? You are a little monk. You can actually get angry, you are really impure.”
At this moment, Qian Ningchen’s eyes suddenly filled with surprise, he looked at the white python in a daze, and he hesitated and asked.
“How do you know the name of Emperor Yuxing? Are you that white snake? Aren’t you dead?”
A trace of astonishment flashed in the white snake’s eyes, and it turned to look at Qian Ningchen, hissing the snake letter, “Oh, so you are still a member of the Dayu royal family. Why, do you really think that legend from eight hundred years ago is true?”
/“Emperor Yuxing slashed the white snake with a five-foot sword, rose up, and conquered the north and south, from a dilapidated royal family This young man turned into the master of the Great Yu Zhongxing? Hehe, wasn’t it that I thought he was interesting? Not only was he not afraid when he saw me, but he even threatened to marry me if I could become a human being. It’s just a play. The world is so ignorant that this kind of nonsense is actually true and has been circulated for hundreds of years.”
After Bai Mang finished speaking, not only Qian Ningchen but also Zhou Jijun looked shocked.
Eight hundred years ago, there were monsters who rioted in the palace, and Emperor Yu lost his virtue, and the people were starving and dying in the fields. There were uprisings and rebellions in various places, and even the princely states were ready to take action. They were preparing their troops and did not listen to the propaganda. Seeing that all the states were in war and the country was about to be in danger, Emperor Yuxing was born. Taking a dagger worth about five copper coins that he defrauded from the street market, he went to the mountains to kill the legendary demon snake that had been practiced for more than two hundred years. Everyone in the world heard that dragons can subdue snakes. Qianli State has the appearance of a true dragon. Afterwards, he responded to the call and gathered tens of thousands of refugees to break the city and set up banners, gradually becoming the largest force in the rebel army. When the Dayu royal family heard that he had royal blood, they named him King Dongyi, hoping to use him as a plowshare to eradicate those who rebelled against the king. Unexpectedly, after Qianlibang entered the ca