
ntleman can be used by me to improve my gentleman’s fighting skills?”

ntleman can be used by me to improve my gentleman’s fighting skills?”
After pondering for a long time, Zhou Jijun waved his robe sleeves and said, He held a gentleman’s sword with a handle higher than his. Ziwei and Qisha flickered in the sea of ??thoughts, and the techniques they had practiced floated by one by one, such as “Xuanwu Nerve”, “Jixu Heavenly Book”, “Contemplating the Way with Heaven”, “Hidden Way Theory”, “Amano Dou Shu” “, “Xuanwu Dou Shu”, these skills quietly merged in the mind, evolved along the star formation influenced by Ziwei and Qisha, and supplemented Zhou Jijun’s newly created Junzi Dou Shu.
“A gentleman has nine thoughts. He sees and thinks clearly, listens and thinks wise, looks and thinks warm, looks respectful, speaks loyally, acts respectfully, doubts and asks, feels angry and difficult, sees and thinks of meaning…these are the nine kinds of thinking. It is precisely the foundation of a gentleman’s Taoism. It is not limited to one pattern, but it changes according to the situation.”
/Zhou Jijun murmured, and the star array in the sea of ??thoughts was constantly calculating the changes of several techniques, eliminating the unnecessary and retaining the essential. The mystery is integrated with the moral principles of a gentleman, enriching Zhou Jijun’s self-created gentleman’s fighting strategy. The number of battles is based on the changes in the stars in the sky and the wild, which are transformed into thousands of things and are mysterious and unpredictable. Combining the most powerful combat skills among these unparalleled techniques, and calculating them with infinite changes, the attack can make the enemy fall into complex and disorderly variables, and the defense can hide oneself in the changes that cannot see through the reality. Only in this way can we never fail. If you use the gentleman’s moral will to control it, the sky will be healthy, and the gentleman will continue to strive for self-improvement, this gentleman’s battle will continue to improve and make breakthroughs.
/The starlight in the sea of ??thoughts gradually dimmed, and Junzi Dou Shu’s calculations stopped. Now Zhou Jijun only fused two stars, Ziwei and Qisha, and there are still twelve stars that have not been fused. The calculations of Junzi Dou Shu are far from reaching the extreme. Even so, its power has surpassed other techniques practiced by Zhou Jijun.
“Zijun, this sword is in your hands, and you can use it to control my gentleman’s will.”
The gentleman’s sword transformed by essence shrank to the size of a palm, was taken into Zhou Jijun’s body, and floated into Zijun’s hand in an instant. Zijun is sitting on the Tiangxiang, holding the Heavenly Book of Gods in his left hand and the Gentleman’s Sword in his right hand, vaguely towering over the three snake men.
“My gentleman’s fighting skills can be regarded as a small success, and it can be regarded as the first set of self-created exercises.” Zhou Jijun took a long breath, feeling extremely happy in his heart. Before, he had been practici