
time to get there. The space is large enough, and after we ‘relax’, we can easily go to the ‘fake hot spring’ and watch a movie…” At

time to get there. The space is large enough, and after we ‘relax’, we can easily go to the ‘fake hot spring’ and watch a movie…” At
that time, your body was far from as strong as it is now. Put that ‘little banana’ in I’m afraid that the juice will be squeezed out of my mouth after just eating it for a while. Today I will try to see if it can still squeeze out the juice after it turns into a ‘big banana’…” The
girl’s words were so hot and full of naked hints that Zhang Lisheng couldn’t stand it at all. Unable to resist, I could only silently step on the accelerator with flushed cheeks and turn the car to the corner of the nearest parking lot.
Afterwards, the two lovers who reunited after a long separation naturally had a ‘hand-to-hand’ battle. After the passion, Tina slumped down on her seat and asked in a hoarse voice with a hint of expectation: “How are you, honey? Do you feel special this time?” Different?”
“What?” Zhang Lisheng asked in confusion as he used the power of the dragon to gather moist water vapor and rub his body.
“Some experts say that using intense verbal stimulation before having an intimate relationship may lead to a faster and better climax. If
one of the men and women is unable to satisfy the other, they can also use many ‘techniques’ to bring the other to the peak of happiness. I will try it today I tried it and found it to be effective. At least I am still awake after this ‘happiness’. Do you feel that it is any different from before?”
/Zhang Lisheng was stunned for a moment, then nodded hurriedly and said: “Of course, of course it is different. Oh, today is really different. , It’s so relaxing, so great…”
After hearing his words, Tina sighed in disappointment, “I can tell you are lying just by looking at your look. In fact, you have already said that after gaining the power of transformation, you can do that It doesn’t matter if this kind of thing can last all night, but I still want to try. I hope to be your qualified girlfriend.
Your daily life is too tense and dangerous, baby. I hope you can relax and be happy when you are with me…” ”
Chapter 441 ‘Invitation’
Seeing his girlfriend’s depressed look, Zhang Lisheng laughed dumbly, stroked Tina’s smooth golden hair and said: “Tina, I am the only one after I became a ‘witch’ Your pursuit is to obtain ‘great supernatural powers’ and enjoy ‘great freedom’, so all the hardships and dangers you have encountered, and all the killings and battles you have experienced are ‘pleasure’ rather than pain. You don’t need to look at ordinary men…”
Baby, we are separated by culture and gender. Anyone who says words that I don’t understand cannot comfort me. mine. ”
Really, let me put it in the simplest terms,” ??the young man shrugged, “I am an extraordinary man. I don’t care what other men think so if they have a girlfriend like you. I I only know that in my heart you are the most qualified lover in the world. ”
Oh baby, this is the sweetest affirmation I have ever heard in my life, I love you…” The girl’s disappointm