
Werther in the face.

Werther in the face.
What time is it now? If we hadn’t been here, these women would have starved to death. I didn’t expect them to be grateful at all. …”
Walking in the direction of the sound, Zhang Lisheng turned two corners and soon saw dozens of strong men crowded in front of the door of a cabin at the end of the corridor, either bending their waists or scraping their scalps against the ceiling. sailor.
/Although the sailors were of different heights, they all had a vague aura of despair and madness on their faces. The leader was a lean young man with dark skin, and the roar just now was obviously made by him.
“Hadari, Miss Helena has already denounced Enelanza’s actions, and she has also promised that the food of all maids and housekeepers including her will be halved in the future. What else do you want to do?” In front of the lean and strong young man, Anducci blocked the door and suddenly asked loudly.
The long-established authority shocked everyone when the captain opened his mouth, and even the tough young man fell silent for a moment.
Seeing that the situation may be under control, Anducci slowed down and continued: “It’s not been a year or two since we have been working for Bai Feili Trading Company. Some people have even been
working for Bai Feili Company since their great-grandfather and grandfather. ‘Service, as a proud Venetian, I think you all know the meaning of loyalty. What
happened today happened for a reason, so no one will blame you, but since Miss Helena has made a promise, then continue to pester It would be unreasonable to go down. The gods are watching us from the sky. Go back to the deck and continue your work, sailors. We will be saved…”
After hearing the captain’s words, the faces of the sailors who were originally hot-headed and planned to go all-out and go crazy appeared on their faces. Hesitant expression, but at this moment, a hateful murmur came out from behind Anduqi, “If I can really be saved, I will make you look good…”
This sentence was like a spark falling into a barrel of explosives, and finally Let the situation collapse to the point where it is difficult to deal with.
“Miss Helena hates us.” As soon as he finished speaking, the tough and lean young man shouted loudly: “We are about to starve to death in the wild sea of ????hell because of the willfulness of the young master and young lady of the Bai Feili family. But, In their eyes, we deserve to be like this!
In this case, why do we poor sailors still care about such things as illusory gods watching, and just wait for death in silence…” “Calm down,
everyone, that is not Miss Helena’s voice. , It wasn’t her voice just now, it was Enelensa, Enelenza…” Anducci hurriedly explained when he saw that the situation took a turn for the worse.
/“Mr. Li Sheng, Mr. Li Sheng, go and save my sister, those lunatics are rushing in.” Anita, who had just relaxed a little, saw that the captain fell, and the sailors rushed into Helena. cabin, shouting to Zhang Lisheng even more panicked than before.
At this