
housands of warrior leaders are dead, they will not succumb to the will of mortals and make such sacrifices to gamble on an unknown outcome. Is it worth it…”

housands of warrior leaders are dead, they will not succumb to the will of mortals and make such sacrifices to gamble on an unknown outcome. Is it worth it…”
Tugela swallowed and was silent for a while, finally mustering up the courage. To tell the truth, he whispered with deep meaning: “Great attacker, according to your achievements against the Tudenan tribe, you should have obtained a higher title of ‘conqueror’ long ago, but now God’s grace has been delayed. As the situation has not yet subsided, the ‘rebirth’ of the tribe may be the only solution.
This kind of ‘rebirth’ ritual is different from sacrifice. Even the soul must be voluntarily sacrificed, and it must be performed by the tribe’s high-status warrior leader and leader. It will only appear in legends. I didn’t mention it before. Now that it has appeared, no matter how high the price is, it is still worth the gamble.” “Really?
Tugla, okay, just based on your words, I will definitely I won’t force you to chop off your own head.” Zhang Lisheng was stunned for a moment, thought about it carefully, sighed and said, “Then let us wait patiently to see whether we win or lose in this gamble…”
Hearing the young man’s words, Tugra tensed up. His tense body relaxed and he breathed a sigh of relief, but he still explained uneasily: “Great attacker, the key to the tribe’s ‘rebirth’ ceremony is the voluntary sacrifice of the soul; the second is the ‘posture’ of the ritual prayer. Correct, you must cut off your own head with one knife. Even if a person like me is sacrificed under the totem pole, it will not be of any use.”
/“Really…” Zhang Lisheng said casually, and the attackers and tribal leaders in Tudenan While people were whispering, more than twenty native warrior leaders gave up their souls and lives.
These powerful warriors are all super infernos who have successfully transplanted the ‘Golden Pill Fragments’. There are only more than 2,000 Tudenan people with a population of one million. The increasing sacrifices made Zhang Lisheng hard-mouthed, but I couldn’t help but feel a little frightened.
Fortunately, this night was the day when the Tudenan tribe had digested all the fruits of victory after occupying the entire island of “Sea Shrimp No. B1” and got on the right track. When there were no foreign enemies on the island, all the tribal warrior leaders Gathering in the ‘ancestral land’ for a carnival can cope with this kind of sacrifice with the greatest possible number.
Time passed slowly, and under the influence of the dazzling river of blood that looked bright red under the firelight and the crazy atmosphere in which the tribesmen gradually became hoarse but still screamed and praised, the original eight-point loyalty in the hearts of the warrior leaders suddenly became ten-point. , more and more Super Hellmen died under the totem pole.
Fifty, one hundred, one hundred and fifty, two hundred…
The number of deaths gradually became numb. After more than three hundred super inferno brains fell to the ground, Zhang Lisheng said with grit