
he door and got out of the car, smiled lightly and said: “Okay, let’s walk there. “

he door and got out of the car, smiled lightly and said: “Okay, let’s walk there. ”
The two of them walked into the village in silence one after another. The prey was obviously already trapped. It was about time when Tu Qiong saw him. Zheng Tianliang, who was walking in front, glanced at the quiet expression on Zhang Lisheng’s face with the corner of his eye, and his mood. Instead, he suddenly felt uneasy. It wasn’t until he stopped and stood in front of the wooden door of a large house in the village that he slowly calmed down.
“We are here, Dr. Zhang. “With a slightly ashamed voice, he pushed open the old wooden door painted with worn black paint and covered with mottled Spring Festival couplets, and walked into the yard.
“There isn’t even a sign here, and you dare to call it a name like ‘Clubhouse’,” Zhang Lisheng Then he also stepped into the threshold and said sarcastically: “Where’s my hot spring and breakfast, Mr. Zheng? ”
Chapter 387 ‘Exchange’
The yard of the farmhouse is large, but it is a dilapidated scene. Standing in it, Zheng Tianliang turned around and sighed and said, “Sorry, doctor, there is nothing here. I lied to you.
But judging from the fact that you dared to follow me into the trap even though you knew you were being deceived, we have indeed found the right person. ”
/While Zheng Tianliang was speaking, the heavy wooden door of the farmer’s house slowly closed automatically without any wind. Then, a young woman with sharp eyebrows and starry eyes and a boy like a porcelain doll walked out of the void on both sides of the wooden door.
As expected, it’s you…” Hearing the sound of slight footsteps suddenly appearing behind him, Zhang Lisheng turned his head to look, shrugged and asked, “Then who are you looking for?”
“What we are looking for is a little ‘witch’ who broke into the ‘Qingyang Palace’ a few years ago and was suppressed by the one-horned green sheep in front of the Jade Emperor Palace. ” “Li Xiangzhou answered first with Jianmei behind the young man.
Zhang Lisheng was stunned, looked at her carefully, and suddenly appeared in his memory. A arrogant person pointed at himself and angrily reprimanded, “Little devil, this is not your territory. When walking in China, people like you had better be smart and stop wandering around.” He suddenly said: “So it’s you…”
“Isn’t it just me…” Li Xiangzhou raised his hand to conjure up a picture full of complicated patterns, with a faint glossy charm on it, and said eagerly.
“Junior sister Xiangzhou, the cause and effect haven’t been explained clearly yet. Why are you showing off your talisman? Why are you so impetuous?” Zheng Tianliang saw the girl’s impulsive look and hurriedly stopped him. Then he bowed deeply to Zhang Lisheng apologetically, “Dr. Zhang , although you practice the art of witchcraft, you have not done any evil, and you are not a Chinese descendant who deceived you here. It is indeed our fault.
I sincerely apologize to you here, but there is a question that I must ask. ”
Bewildered by Zheng Tianliang’s