
of the mountains and seas and the new top strong men of the heaven and earth met in the reincarnation channel between the two countries by chance.

of the mountains and seas and the new top strong men of the heaven and earth met in the reincarnation channel between the two countries by chance.
Yue Rakshasa gears up, Shamoni’s face gradually becomes solemn, Luo Jishang smiles arrogantly, Qianqiu’s eyes become colder… Two majestic fighting intentions rise from both sides, with a bang The impact hit the center, and the reincarnation channel collapsed and dispersed. It was unknown how many reincarnations, large and small, were affected by the fighting spirit, and thousands of people inside were wiped out together.
“Your majesties, have you ever seen the power of my Tianwu Mountain left instructor?”
Zhou Jijun smiled faintly and looked in the distance, his eyes passing over Zhuanxu, Shaohao, Fuxi, Yandi one by one, and finally fell on the old man sitting in the palace on the mountain with the dragon riding the fire.
“Qi% of the sword power is indeed missing. Brother Zuo’s sword can be called the best sword in the national war.”
/After the words fell, no one on either side refuted, and the atmosphere gradually became solemn. Zhou Jijun’s side never made a move, although the mountain and sea side occupied it. Great advantage, but he has never taken action. The duel above the sky is beyond the reach of ordinary monks and soldiers, not to mention that there are more than ten top-level Qiongtian people present. Thousands of ordinary monks rushing forward cannot withstand a casual attack from the top-level Qiongtian strongmen. , in a battle involving tens of millions of people, the Qiongtian monk is the weapon that determines the outcome. Therefore, the situation at this time is nothing more than the six of Zhou Jijun versus the five emperors of mountains and seas, the God-Emperor, and the top experts under their command.
“Husband, who are they?”
Zuo looked up from Zuo Yousheng’s arms, looked at Zhou Jijun and others shyly, and asked in a low voice.
Zuo Yousheng hugged the woman in his arms tightly, fearing that she would disappear from him again in the blink of an eye.
“They are old friends who traveled all the way from Qizhou back then.”
Zuo Yousheng said with a smile. To this day, Luo Jishang and Qian Shiqi have difficulty distinguishing between friends and foes. He was afraid that Zuo would be worried, so he did not explain the word “old friends”. , also considered appropriate.
“Little Youyou, can you still fight?”
Yue Rakshasa raised his bamboo hat and asked Zuo Yousheng with a playful smile.
When the word “Xiao Youyou” came out, Zuo Yousheng felt distressed and embarrassed, but Zuo Shi covered his mouth and smiled, with tenderness in his eyes. She was extremely happy to be able to stay with Zuo Yousheng, so naturally she didn’t care about everything around her. The atmosphere on Zhou Jijun’s side was relaxed, Yue Luosha and Shamoni were talking and laughing, while Luo Jishang glanced provocatively at the powerful people in the mountains and seas. On the other hand, the mountains and seas became heavy and oppressed due to the ar