


At the end of the East China Sea, there is a big mountain with strange rocks on the top.
The sea water swayed from a distance, setting off a wave of tens of millions of feet, which seemed to submerge the mountain. The sea water climbs up the stone wall, like a waterfall flowing from bottom to top. Anyone who sees the scene here will be shocked.
“Did you call me here just to look at this stone?”
The woman was wearing a plain white dress with an elegant face. She looked towards the west, a trace of worry appeared on her face, and she counted on her fingers.
“Don’t worry, he’s not dead yet.”
A warm and rich voice came from beside him, but it was also a little cold, which only made people feel extremely contradictory.
“But it’s only a matter of time. He offended me first, and then he offended me. Even if I don’t take action in these hundred years, Mr. Jun will die at the hands of that person.”
“Everything is unpredictable, who knows who he is. Will he break through Xuantian in twenty years, and then become a monarch in a hundred years?
“Hahaha… a hundred years to become a monarch?”
The man looked at Bai Yiyi up and down, his expression was slightly complicated, and he thought softly. asked.
“If I hadn’t done that thing, would you…”
Seeing Bai Yiyi looking at the ebb and flow of the tide in the distance as if she hadn’t heard anything, Qitian Junsheng smiled mockingly and murmured.
“He found another woman, but you still miss him. I just wanted to become a king, so I did those things, but you abandoned me… Zhou Jijun…
” As the waves turned, Bai Yiyi turned her back to Qitian, a faint sadness appeared in her eyes, and passed away in an instant.
/“Those things have passed. After my reincarnation, the past has nothing to do with me.”
Turning around, she saw Qitian Junsheng striding towards the stone. Bai Yiyi was slightly startled and asked leisurely.
“What on earth did you want to find me for?”
“The hybrid monkey is about to be born, did you know?”
“The war is about to begin, and the birth of the monkey is a certainty, so what’s the fuss?”
His eyes passed over the huge rocks on the top of the mountain . , Bai Yiyi’s heart moved, and she frowned slightly and asked Qitian Junsheng.
“Could this stone be the fetal stone of the monkey?”
“Exactly. The battle that is about to begin will plunge the world into unprecedented chaos. Four mixed-life monkeys will appear one after another, and the red-armored horse monkey will be born first. Then there will be the six-eared macaque, and next, the Lingming Stone Monkey on Huaguo Mountain will also be born.”
Qitian Junsheng stared at the boulder and whispered, with complex expressions on his handsome face, including heartache, hesitation, and more. Reluctant to leave, but he never turned around.
“The clever stone monkey can understand changes, know the time of the sky, know the location, and move the stars to change the fight. If you can get it, it is considered lucky. You may have an advantage in the next round of war.”