
rmored king beside him could no longer sit still. Like other angry demon kings, he also jumped on the banquet table and picked up wine and meat like the opposite. Smash it.

rmored king beside him could no longer sit still. Like other angry demon kings, he also jumped on the banquet table and picked up wine and meat like the opposite. Smash it.
Ordinary monsters are transformed into beasts and do not know etiquette. No matter how high their cultivation level is, they still maintain their natural wildness and will never achieve great things.
/A hint of sarcasm flashed across the corner of his mouth. Zhou Jijun’s eyes drifted away from the main hall and fell on Luantian Demon King unconsciously. He saw him looking at the chaotic scene in the hall indifferently. Then, like Zhou Jijun, a sarcastic smile flashed in his eyes. .
Zhou Jijun was slightly stunned. At this moment, the Luantian Demon King suddenly turned his head and shot his cold gaze, drowning Zhou Jijun.
The sky and the earth collapsed, and he could no longer see or hear anything. Zhou Jijun fell into the dark and boundless void, imprisoning him in a distant abyss like a cage, alone and alone for thousands of years. An instant later, but it seemed like a long time had passed, Zhou Jijun’s facial features recovered and he returned to Ji Lei Palace.
The dispute in the palace is still fierce, and the terrifying gaze has long been moved away, but Zhou Jijun’s heart is still shrouded in coldness. At that moment, he was overwhelmed by the murderous gaze of the strong man in the Xuantian realm. If it takes longer, Zhou Jijun’s thoughts may be destroyed. Lost in that empty and desolate place of ruins.
Xuantian…even a thousand of me are no match for him.
After calming down, Zhou Jijun sat upright and became more cautious.
“King Huofeng, do you want to be the demon emperor?”
After a long time, Luantian Demon King finally spoke.
The quarrels in the hall gradually became quieter, and all the demon kings in the east and west looked at Huofeng, and saw the demon king who seemed to be able to spit out flames sneered.
“The king is paranoid. Huo Feng is so virtuous and capable, how dare he compete with the king for the throne. However, there are hundreds of demon kings in our four major continents, and you are not the only one in the Xuantian realm. You may not be the only one in this hall. There is a demon king who is more powerful than you.”
An inexplicable smile appeared on the corner of Luantian Demon King’s mouth, but his Qi locked the Fire Wind Demon King tightly. His face froze and he lowered his gaze. Chaos.
“What are you going to do?”
“King Huofeng, you insulted my wife before, and now you are provoking her. Since you doubt my ability to become the demon king in the world, why don’t you give it a try.”
/“Hahaha. …”
The Fire Wind Demon King looked up to the sky and laughed. He looked at the chaotic sky with trembling shoulders and said teasingly.
“I didn’t expect that the king is still a bully. You are in the realm of Xuantian, but I am only in the realm of Fatian… If you want to kill me, just say it openly and don’t do such villainous things.”
“Yes . Ah, you, Huofeng, are so reckless. I