
ry day, so they will not. “I care, but few people know that person’s name. Once he mentions it, he will know it immediately.”

ry day, so they will not. “I care, but few people know that person’s name. Once he mentions it, he will know it immediately.”
Taking a deep breath, Zhou Jijun was slightly shocked. Such great magical power was far beyond his imagination, as if a door had been opened. The door allows him to see another world. It turns out that when one reaches the level of cultivation to reach Heaven and Fa Tian, ??the Tao and Dharma he possesses will no longer be as monotonous as those of Earth and Humanity. He can only become a warlike person, but has many legendary things that only immortals and gods possess. Great power.
What kind of world is that? I rule the roost in this corner of the seven states, calling myself the king and son, dominating the world. For a long time, I will only be blinded by the vanity in front of me, like a frog at the bottom of a well, unable to see the vast and vast world outside. Magical world.
/The spirit of a gentleman flourished from the silver-haired man, and there was a hint of unwillingness and forge ahead, which made Yue Shura sigh inwardly when he looked across from him.
A gentleman thinks three times a day, and Zhou Jijun often reflects on the past and makes up for his shortcomings after practicing. However, his idea just now was too arrogant. If Yue Shura knew about it, he would definitely laugh or cry. A twenty-two-year-old mid-level human-respected strong man, even if placed anywhere in the universe, no matter in the Heavenly Palace, the Four Continents, or other ancient states, he would definitely be an outstanding or even genius being, becoming a major In the eyes of the powerful, everyone would be eager to take him under their wing and cultivate him carefully. What kind of situation will a person in his twenties reach in a hundred years or a thousand years?
Today’s land of seven states is full of talents, not to mention the fallen Qian Ningchen and Luo Jishang, Qian Shiqi, Yue Luosha, Shamoni, Xu Ke, Zuo Yousheng, Bai Qi… Which one has not cultivated the Supreme Being at a young age, possesses the strength to leapfrog challenges, and even has the ability to organize seven states to conquer the world. Even if they are placed all over the Qiongyu Continent, they will not lose their luster and will definitely be favored. The Seven States are just a small land. They are insignificant in the sky with countless continents. Few people will pay attention to them. But if they were to discover the gathering of talents from the Seven States at this time, they would be shocked. And the Seven States are in the sky. His status will also be much higher.
However, when the war is about to end, the winner will become the king and the loser will perish. Among them, who will die and who will survive can’t tell clearly.
“Do you want to practice here, or continue to listen to my story.” Yue Shura coughed slightly, interrupting Zhou Jijun’s meditation.
“Please continue, Yue Lao.”
Zhou Jijun came out of trance and smiled slightly awkwardly. Although the story Yue Shura told only involved Dragon