
he salary is, I can’t do it. This kind of selling one’s body.”

he salary is, I can’t do it. This kind of selling one’s body.”
A fat chef with a fleshy face and a weight of over 100 kilograms said with a scared look on his face and lingering fear in his heart.
There was a tall, skinny man next to him who retorted: “It depends on how much money you pay. Oh, don’t look at me like that, I mean, what if someone likes this kind of tone? Look, that young Chinese You’re still laughing! Didn’t you say that the Chinese are conservative? Why are they more open-minded than us!”
The manager waved his hand to stop them from continuing to talk, and said: “Okay, stop talking. There is love between the same sex, and there is nothing shameful. It’s just that they If you pick the wrong place, I will remind the little boss to be more careful in the future.” The old chef
was stunned for a while, followed Han Xuan’s gaze and saw the extraordinarily clean butcher knife on the ground, and he immediately understood.
Twisting Wu Tao’s ears was like giving him a beating. His words were too harmful to the healthy development of society and he was automatically harmed. The scene of beating him was even more horrific, and pitiful cries of begging for mercy could be heard one after another.
This time he was really merciless. When the old Chinese man recovered from his excitement, he trotted to the trash can and vomited while holding it.
Then he lay down by the pool and rinsed his mouth with tap water. Uncle Wu Tao said to himself: “It really stinks. This bastard, how long has it been since he washed his feet?”
Han Xuan was immersed in rescuing people earlier. In his case, he didn’t pay attention to what the chef and waiters said.
But the subconscious mind can remember what just happened, recall their expressions and words, how can you not know what they were thinking at that time.
His face instantly turned red, and Han Xuan became angry with embarrassment. He held a pan to pretend to be a red wolf, pointed the pan at these people angrily, and cursed: “The thoughts are so dirty! Can’t you think of healthy things?! We are saving people, He had blowfish poison on his feet! And you, Rodriguez, can you love someone of the same sex? Really? You are still on probation, right?” A
man named Rodriguez is the manager of this restaurant , Old Barton has a distant relative relationship with him that is beyond reach.
/When I came to apply for the job, I saw that he had real qualifications. He had managed a mid-range restaurant in Billings for several years.
Old Barton opened the back door a little, and then he was allowed to stay and give it a try. The positions will be adjusted during the off-season, and the capable ones will be promoted and the mediocre ones will be demoted.
/As long as Rodriguez is not stupid, he will never let go of such a good job opportunity, and offending his boss is the stupidest thing to do.
He immediately shook his head vigorously, “No, no, no, you heard wrong. We were talking about the plot of the British movie “Maurice”! Yes! That’s right!”
“I really want to beat y