
nt operating range? Let’s first see who this guy who suddenly appeared is and what his cultivation is before making a decision.”

nt operating range? Let’s first see who this guy who suddenly appeared is and what his cultivation is before making a decision.”
/The two quickly inspected the corpse at the scene to determine the level of the killer.
The figure of the Red Leaf Sword Master floated high in the sky, overlooking everything below. From his field of vision, he could just see the blood-colored long-haired figure heading straight into the depths of the forest. All the creatures he encountered along the way were split into two under his sword.
“Monk of the Demonic Way? Your physical strength has lasted for six days now, and it’s not exhausted yet?” He frowned slightly.
After careful observation, he suddenly understood.
“According to normal circumstances, his physical strength should be getting less and less. However, the current situation is that he seems to be able to absorb things to replenish his physical strength through killing.”
“My lord, do you need to inform Gamora?” A group of transparent human figures Appeared next to Hongye Sword Master.
“It’s been a long time since the Four Emperors got together.”
“No, I’ve been training him myself, no one needs to intervene.” Hongye Sword Master didn’t even look at him. “I’ll handle it myself.”
“Are you afraid that I’ll eat him?” Hongye’s head didn’t move, but his eyes slowly moved around, staring at the transparent humanoid.
“I don’t dare,” the transparent humanoid quickly lowered its head in fear.
“Don’t worry, they and I will cultivate our own seedlings together, so I won’t destroy them easily,” Hong Ye Sword Master said calmly.
“Go and call Salinado over.”
/“Salinado?! That’s the guy!” The transparent humanoid suddenly choked and couldn’t believe it. “It will swallow this guy!”
“What’s your decision about me ?” , Do you have any objections?” Hong Ye Sword Master’s eyes revealed a biting chill.
“No, don’t dare.”
With a sneer, the human figure shrank into a bright streak like a TV screen suddenly turned off, and then disappeared completely.
The Red Leaf Sword Master was always looking at the bloody figure below.
“Let me see where your limit is,” he murmured, with a strange light in his eyes.
, Clang,
A series of rhythmic and crisp sword sounds continued to spread. Wherever the sword sound went, all the creatures with blood exploded when they were close. Those who were far away seemed to see some terrifying creatures. , escape quickly.
In the forest, the blood-colored long-haired man was advancing rapidly, and all the tyrannical creatures around him that were alarmed slowly retreated amidst the weird sword sounds he made from time to time.
Suddenly, the figure stopped suddenly, and the whites of his pupil-less eyes slowly raised his head, looking towards the fish-belly white sky.
The clouds are misty and dense, like huge thick black cotton covering the sky.
The wind became stronger and stronger, picking up the leaves on the forest floor and flying up.
The figure’s long blood-red hair fluttered in the wind, r