
en hair shawl walked out of it.

en hair shawl walked out of it.
The man has a handsome appearance and his skin is as delicate as white porcelain.
There are only three dots of red between the eyebrows between the black eyes, like some kind of special mark.
“It turns out to be Junior Brother Fengpanjun. You’ve come a long way, so please come in and take a rest.”
The fortress door slowly opened, and a large black-red breath spewed out from inside. This breath was extremely hot, and if ordinary people came into contact with it, they would instantly die. Can be boiled until cooked.
But when the breath reached the man, it stopped suddenly and turned into dust and fell down.
“Senior Brother Longshe, I am here to ask for a favor for my brother. It is also for your greatest wish, senior brother.” The man spoke slowly, his voice vibrating and transmitted directly into the fortress.
“Favor? Wish? Could it be that thing that happened to Mr. Qingshan earlier?”
The voice coming from the fortress suddenly started to gloat.
Mr. Fengpan looked calm.
“Now that senior brother knows, it’s easy to handle. My brother asked me for help because of his good friend Lin Sheri’s affairs, so I can’t ignore it. So senior brother Longshe must also know about Lin Sheri’s qualifications, right?”
/“That’s okay! Hahahahaha! As long as I can make old Qingshan angry, I will do it!”
There was a violent tremor in the fortress, and the sound was like thunder, shaking the surrounding area for dozens of miles.
Mr. Fengpan was also a little frightened.
The main reason for this Dragon Snake Realm is not that there are too many hidden injuries. I am afraid that just like the legend, there is hope of breaking through the realm of Earthly Immortal and stepping into Heavenly Immortal.
/It was a pity that
he felt regretful.
“Brother Feng is coming towards Senior Brother. Since you agree, I will leave all the power to you. For this matter, Feng owes you a favor.”
“Hey, Junior Brother Feng’s favor is not something that ordinary people can get . ”
The Dragon Snake Realm Master is also not polite.
Who is Fengpanjun?
The Feng family is known as the most powerful genius in history, with the terrifying qualifications of immortal reincarnation.
In the future, he is a pervert who has the hope of sprinting to the position of the main sect of Bihu Mountain and the deputy master of Tianyan Tower. Each of these powerful monks who reincarnated and re-cultivated was a lucky coincidence.
Being able to get a favor that he owes is definitely a sure-fire deal at a critical moment.
Besides, Lin Sheri’s qualifications are also good, so he won’t lose anything.
In the fortress, in a scarlet hall, a wild old man with red hair and beard was holding a jade slip in one hand and examining it carefully.
Inside the jade slip was all the information he had just received about Lin Xin.
After waiting for Lord Fengpan to leave outside, the old Dragon Snake Realm Master chuckled.
“Old Qingshan hasn’t done many disgusting things over the years, but this time he was definitely fu