
planes and worlds, we finally arrived at the crystal channel of the Tianmeng’s outer defense line.

planes and worlds, we finally arrived at the crystal channel of the Tianmeng’s outer defense line.
The crystal channel he arrived at was located near a demiplane suspended in the void in the central star field.
This plane is called Feixin Port. It is different from the ordinary world in that more than half of the land in the plane is not protected by the boundary film. But just exposed in the void.
By the time Lin Xin arrived, it was already the middle of more than four months.
/Feixin Port.
In the light green sky, three light yellow planets arranged in a triangle rotate slowly, releasing a huge amount of soft halo.
Throughout the huge port, thousands of meters long void battleships were constantly loading and unloading passengers.
There are also larger cargo ships, and there are a large number of tall giant soldiers helping to carry the cargo boxes.
The port is crowded with people, and all kinds of human races can be seen here. In addition, there are many demon monks in disguise, and void battleships come and go from time to time.
This is the largest external port in the entire central star region. It is not only responsible for supporting the defense line of the Void Demon Spirit Army, but also has a huge flow of countless passenger monks every day. They come and go, transfer and teleport from here, and use this port as a way to travel through the void. transfer station.
On the far left just now, in a remote corner, several green battleships slowly made room, allowing a red spaceship like a rhombus crystal to slowly sink down.
/A hole opened under the spacecraft, and a slide ladder extended from inside.
More than a thousand Taoists, the top military generals in the entire port, and a large group of port officials stood guard on both sides of the slide to greet a group of young Taoists walking towards the spacecraft.
“Senior Brother Lieshan is here. If someone below hadn’t reported it, I would have been kept in the dark and knew nothing about it. Hahaha!”
More than a thousand Taoists laughed boldly and took the initiative to greet them, taking the lead among those who came. A tight handshake.
“You’re welcome, Junior Brother Qianyu.” Lin Xin was wearing an exquisite and complicated Taoist robe, which looked more like a swordsman’s skirt and armor than a loose robe.
“I’m here to borrow our Tianmeng’s long-distance star gate this time.”
“Are you going to perform a mission?” Qian Yu immediately lowered his voice and said.
“That’s not true, I’m just doing some personal things.” Lin Xin smiled.
“That’s no problem! Make arrangements immediately.” Taoist Qian Yu said cheerfully. “A few months ago, senior brother defeated Shadow City Shadow Demon Great Sage Xing Pengfei, which really made everyone in Bihu Mountain rejoice. Even junior brother and I were hiding in Feixin Port far away. When I heard about this, I had no choice but to Say it, strong!”
In fact, he didn’t know what the concept of a great sage was, but it didn’t matter.
The only holy son of the Yongxing Sect, the Lord of th