
ountain of my Transformation Cave!”

ountain of my Transformation Cave!”
The leader of the pig demon yelled, with an unusually majestic look.
/“You go in and report that the leader of the Yuandou Demon Sect, True Lord Yuandou, is here to visit.”
A green light flashed in Yin Pengzi’s eyes, and the expressions of the pig monsters that had just fallen in front of him suddenly froze, and they all lost their spirits.
The two groups of people turned around in a daze, flew up, and flew towards the top of Baishi Cliff.
Lin Xin smiled, waved his hand, spread out a black magic cloud, and followed behind.
All the way up Baishi Cliff, you can constantly see many holes like honeycombs on the cliff wall. There are vague figures of people inside, and they are obviously inhabited.
The higher you go up, the more yellow the material of the stone wall becomes and the harder it becomes.
The two of them fell to the top of the cliff as if strolling leisurely, followed behind the pig demon, and walked all the way towards a large teleportation array on the top of the cliff.
There were some antlered monsters guarding the edge of the teleportation array. Each of them had a strong aura, and their eyes were sparse, as if they had just woken up.
After seeing the pig demon patrolling out, he actually brought back two people. The deer demon and others immediately stood up.
“Lao Zhu, what are you doing? Didn’t you say that human beings are not allowed to enter the Cave of Transformation? If you break the rules of management, you are not afraid of death, but I am afraid!”
Yin Pengzi laughed, the green color in his eyes flashed, and all the deer suddenly All the demon’s movements froze, standing in place unable to move, maintaining its original posture.
The two of them stood directly on the teleportation array.
The white light flashed and disappeared without a trace.
Puff puff!
The remaining deer demon, pig demon and others all exploded automatically the moment the teleportation array shone brightly, like bags of blood, and all the tissues in their bodies were dissolved and turned into blood.
On the white earth, there is a huge snake that is thousands of miles long.
The giant snake has no scales, no armor, its body is hundreds of miles wide, and it is inexplicably huge.
Looking down from a high place, the entire body of the giant snake was undulating slightly, as if it was breathing slowly and deeply. Various towns of different sizes have been built on most of its body.
These towns are populated by monsters of different races.
Each demon town is still divided into the most primitive stone buildings, evenly scattered on the huge snake body.
It seemed that Lin Xin and others were entering.
Suddenly, the entire giant snake slowly raised its head and looked directly at the two people.
“Hua Qingzi, the Snake Lord of the Transformation Cave?” Yin Pengzi said in a low voice.
“Yin Pengzi of the Yuandou Demon Sect has arrived in person with the sect master. Why don’t you hurry up and inform your master?”
The giant snake was sho