
Raging Flame Orcs seemed to be stunned. The warship floating in mid-air like a huge mountain and the terrifying scene were completely beyond their ability to resist.

Raging Flame Orcs seemed to be stunned. The warship floating in mid-air like a huge mountain and the terrifying scene were completely beyond their ability to resist.
Suddenly, a cold voice fell in the air.
“Sir Thorne, you have done a good enough job. You should go back first.”
/As the voice drifted down, something like ice chips fell on Thorne’s head. These cold ice chips slowly Falling on Thorne, Thorne’s burning fighting spirit slowly extinguished.
At this time, the warship slowly lowered, and everyone saw a figure floating in front of the warship.
Wearing a simple robe, he holds a staff in his right hand with a huge four-color dragon crystal inlaid on it. He holds a book in his left hand, which exudes a faint halo. There is a slowly rotating ball floating beside him. Falun, infinite runes are flowing on the Falun.
Thorne raised his head and looked at the figure floating in mid-air, tears welling up in his eyes.
In the most desperate moment, when the men he brought with him were dying one after another, and even with the will to die, he burned his fighting spirit and screamed in preparation for self-destruction, he never had the slightest idea of ??crying. But at this moment, Thorne was so excited that he couldn’t control himself. , trembling with excitement, and tears kept flowing down her pale cheeks while sleeping.
“Mafa, you are finally back”
“Leave the affairs here to me.”
Lin Yun could tell at a glance that if the teleportation array was used to teleport humans, it could teleport at least eight hundred people at a time, and the recovery time was extremely fast. It was the fastest way to increase troops during a large-scale war.
When Hobert’s vigilant gaze relaxed a little when he saw Lin Yun, the violently fluctuating magic power in his body also calmed down a little.
The momentum of the Fearless’s appearance just now was really terrifying. A thousand-meter-long space crack was torn open in an instant. This is definitely not the power of a titled magician.
If the teleportation circle here wasn’t so important, Hoppert would have escaped long ago.
But after the Dauntless came out, Hoppert’s shocked heart was relieved, because he felt that the Dauntless itself didn’t seem to have much power anymore. Apart from its huge size and its terrible defense, there was almost no threat. .
Especially after seeing Lin Yun, Hoppert’s worries completely dissipated. He’s
/just a titled magician
, and he’s still a young human being. Haha, here comes another one who wants to die.
“It seems that you are also a member of the Merlin family, but unfortunately, you are going to die soon. You Merlin family members are so stupid. Before you die, you have to send me such a warship. It’s great, it’s simply great. With this warship, we can break out of the Raging Flame Plane and completely destroy you.”
Hoppert I was overjoyed. A huge warship with strong defense but not much power can greatly improve the strength of the tribe. It even only needs to use this huge warship to lead the army of Raging Flame