
of retreating, heading directly towards the two old men at the front.

“Lion King Fist!”
One of the old men made a small jump, and his body disappeared directly from the ground. Then he arched out from behind Lin Xin, and his right arm was like a golden drill, roaring at Lin Xin with a lion’s roar.
But the fist is not even half a meter closer to the opponent.
A fierce and violent aura suddenly shook away from Lin Xin’s body.
He slashed backward with his backhand sword.
In the loud noise, the bloody sword exploded, and the old man behind him also rolled and was thrown far away by the huge force. His breath was chaotic, and he finally managed to stabilize himself in mid-air.
“What a powerful force!” When he looked at Lin Xin again, his eyes were filled with horror.
Only then did he understand the two proud disciples of his just now. In fact, in a head-on confrontation, neither of them can match each other.
Another person held the jade Ruyi and threw it at Lin Xin.
The Ruyi flew out, getting bigger and bigger, and then turned into a person as tall as a person. It aimed at Lin Xin in mid-air and released a green halo that illuminated his whole body.
“It’s a boring trick.”
Lin Xin allowed the other party to cover him, with a flash of devilish energy on his body. With a shock of strength, he stretched out his hand forcefully and tore open the light curtain in front of him.
All the green light shattered like crystal and turned into a large amount of debris flying all over the place.
The second old man also vomited blood and retreated continuously, obviously suffering from severe backlash.
/The disciples of the Lion Fist Sect around him were also frightened. Even the spiritual light of his real magic weapon could be forcibly shaken away. This man’s strength was obviously not on the same level as them.
Qing Shishan stood in the distance, his face pale, and he obviously didn’t expect Lin Xin to be so strong.
You must know that there are four fourth-grade giants gathered here, and two of them giants also hold top secret treasures that even ancestor Yuanjing is afraid of, but they are still unable to do anything to this person.
This is simply
“boring, too boring.” Lin Xin held the sword and looked around with extremely disappointed eyes.
He vaguely felt that his blood was burning a little, but as soon as it started, the people around him withered, which made him have an indescribable fire in his heart with nowhere to vent. The more this happened, the more irritable he became.
“It’s been a long time since I killed someone.”
He licked his lips, with a hint of killing intent in his eyes.
He obviously knew in his heart that he was just playing the image of a madman, but somehow, he unexpectedly fit in with this image, as if deep down in his heart, he was supposed to be like this.
/Abandon everything, risk everything, just to fight!
No ethics, no righteousness and evil, no restraints, no framework, just stand in front of him and kill them all!
“No! This gu