
his, there has never been a transaction worth tens of millions of dollars at an auction held in March. This is the first!

his, there has never been a transaction worth tens of millions of dollars at an auction held in March. This is the first!
For a moment, everyone looked at Hansen and Charlotte, and they couldn’t help but look a little complicated.
Those present are all prominent figures in Auckland, the worst of the worst, and also wealthy businessmen. Everyone knows that three hundred years ago, Thornton Merlin came out of nowhere and killed the Charlotte family in the Orridge Mountains, which was a rare event in a century. The genius Charlotte Fusen later led the Merlin family to a strong rise. From that time on, the Charlotte family began to decline step by step.
When the Charlotte family was at its most depressed, it was even reduced to a third-rate force in Auckland. At that time, even a small group of horse thieves dared to loot the Charlotte family’s caravan. This shows that the Charlotte family at that time , how bad has it fallen?
It was not until the last hundred years that the Charlotte family began to rise again with the help of the wave of plane colonization. With the foundation of the millennium family, it left one opponent after another behind, and in many positions The Charlotte family has imprinted its mark on the world. Even the biggest feast in Auckland, the battle for the Raging Flame Plane, the Charlotte Family participated in it and successfully occupied five fortresses in the Raging Flame Plane. This At that time, people suddenly discovered that without realizing it, the Charlotte family had returned to the ranks of Auckland’s top forces.
Today, the Charlotte family is firmly in the top three among the many families in Auckland, only behind the Merlin family and the Watson family.
Many people are speculating that what was originally a two-power struggle for hegemony has suddenly turned into a three-legged confrontation due to the rise of the Charlotte family. What impact will it have on the balance of the major forces in Auckland? Some knowledgeable people even It has been predicted that sooner or later there will be a war between the three major families. By that time, many forces will have to reorganize their territory.
no one expected that the rise of the Charlotte family would be so ferocious.
/Yes, in the auction hall of the Black Point Chamber of Commerce, Hansen Charlotte dropped 10 million gold coins in full view of everyone.
Everyone knew that these 10 million gold coins represented more than just a star gem. , and it was also a demonstration of the Charlotte family’s strength and heritage. They used these 10 million gold coins to tell everyone that the Charlotte family had risen again. This was a force that could be compared with the Merlin family and the Watson family. .
It is conceivable that after this auction, the status of the Charlotte family in Auckland will inevitably rise, and even truly reach the point of being on an equal footing with the other two major families.
Anyone who wants to question the Charlotte family must first consider the power of these ten mil