
s and scattered unknown. Here is one of them.

s and scattered unknown. Here is one of them.
So you don’t have to worry too much. Now that we have obtained one of the keys, Fransa’s attention will also be transferred to us. ‘ Miyu smiled.
“What’s the purpose of telling me this?” Wei He was surprised.
‘The purpose is simple. Like you said before, collaboration. ’ said the secret voice. ‘Vice Minister Wei He, you have used your own trump card and strength to prove that you are qualified to be our partner. ”
But I still don’t know, who are you?” Wei He narrowed his eyes.
‘We…are the Shadows of the Empire. It is the collective strength of all those who hope to rebuild new shoots from rotten leaves. ’ Secret Whisper replied softly.
Wei He felt awe-struck. He had already vaguely guessed what was behind the secret words.
“What should I call you?” he asked solemnly.
‘call? As for the name, many people call us…the Eternal Silence Party. ‘
Communication suddenly shut down.
/The car fell into silence again.
Wei He silently looked at the fast-moving empty rail road in front of him. The good mood he had just been in suddenly disappeared.
No matter what era or country, it is not a good thing to be involved with a radical organization like Whisper.
The Eternal Silence Party… Just hearing the name makes me feel like I am going to an extreme.
“It seems that we need to find a channel to find out the details of this organization…” Wei He did not want his planned path forward to be interfered by any factors.
So far, Fransa of Knossus, Heart of the Banyan Tree from Pensa, and this Eternal Party that suddenly appeared.
They all look like extremely troublesome maelstroms.
It’s best if you don’t provoke him.
There is also the dragon machine key module that the major forces are competing for. How did this thing get into the hands of people at the level of the Empire.
/In other words, it is not his at all, but the people around him…
What does all this have to do with Comorra?
Comorra escaped from prison, why did the Empire help?
Each incident and relationship made Wei He feel more and more like this was a puddle of muddy water.
“I’ll just keep improving my psychic abilities and follow my original plan…”
He sighed.
He no longer thought about it, stepped on it, and the vehicle accelerated, quickly merging into the vast traffic flow.
One year later….
the second space port in the Silver Belt.
A huge interstellar passenger spacecraft was slowly flashing with dense spots of light, undergoing final towing checks and preparing to take off.
Among the more than ten boarding gates of the spaceship, in front of one of the automatic boarding escalators.
Wei He hugged Sri Lanka heavily.
“Bon voyage!”
“There is no wind in space. You should change the words to something more suitable.” Sri Lanka has obviously never heard of this statement.
“Really? Have a safe trip then.” Wei He patted him hard on the back a few times and let go of him.
“I didn’t expect that in a blink of an eye, your kid would finally get married…” Wei