
ide. As you are, you are not qualified to order me. This Marfa Merlin used magic shackles to imprison Leon’s magic power as punishment. I also want him to spend three years under the shackles of magic. This is fair.” When Horn said this, his eyes fell on Lin Yun again: “Mafa Merlin, I have given you a chance. It’s a pity that you don’t know how to cherish it. Let me tell you, no one can save you unless Mr. Joey comes in person today!”

ide. As you are, you are not qualified to order me. This Marfa Merlin used magic shackles to imprison Leon’s magic power as punishment. I also want him to spend three years under the shackles of magic. This is fair.” When Horn said this, his eyes fell on Lin Yun again: “Mafa Merlin, I have given you a chance. It’s a pity that you don’t know how to cherish it. Let me tell you, no one can save you unless Mr. Joey comes in person today!”
After Horn said this, he clenched the staff in his right hand again, and the strong wind just stopped, Suddenly there was a storm in the hall of Gilded Rose.
But then, a burst of footsteps came from the second floor.
Along with the footsteps came another sentence.
“Who’s calling me?”
The old man’s voice was very soft and his steps were not fast. With his skinny figure and full head of white hair, he looked just like an ordinary old man.
However, with the words of the old man, the entire gilded rose hall suddenly became quiet. The strong wind stopped roaring, the magic power stopped flowing, and the tense atmosphere disappeared instantly. Even time seemed to be frozen. Same, that feeling can only be truly understood by experiencing it personally.
He looks like an ordinary old man, but he carries an indescribable magic power. Just walking down the stairs makes people feel a boundless pressure.
“Huh?” Although Lin Yun is only a fifth-level archmage, he is the most sensitive to the flow of magic power and the changes in magic elements among everyone present. Lin Yun, who is surrounded by such boundless pressure, is almost the first Immediately he realized that this pressure did not come from the old man himself, but from the power of the world itself.
Lin Yun suddenly understood that this was probably the legendary extraordinary power. Today’s
Star Sage Joey is only one step away. An existence that can step onto the heavenly level. Although it has never truly mastered extraordinary power, its understanding of extraordinary power has surpassed that of all titled magicians. At this time, the magic fluctuations emitted intentionally or unintentionally have a hint of extraordinary power. shadow.
Back then, in the world of the Book of Death, Lin Yun truly experienced the power of a peak-level titled magician. However, that kind of extraordinary power that is infinitely close to the heavenly level and can destroy the world with every move of his hand, Lin Yun, But it was the first time that I personally felt that it was the real rules of heaven and earth accompanying the power of the world. It was a terrifying power that did not belong to the human world at all.
/At this time, the old man who had touched the extraordinary power had slowly walked away. Stairs, standing in the hall of gilded roses, boundless pressure emanates, and even Khadgar and Soth, who are farthest away, feel like they can’t breathe.
Not to mention Horn, who was the first to bear the brunt.
At this time, one hand of this ninth-level magician was still tightly grasping the staff, maintaining the wind p