
it. Dare to attack other people, just there sobbing and complaining about Hu Jun.

it. Dare to attack other people, just there sobbing and complaining about Hu Jun.
“You didn’t know how to resist at the time? You could leave some evidence by scratching his face or something? He wanted to rape you, so you just lay there and let him do whatever he wanted?” Hu Jun was already very angry, but Zhou Jingjing complained After that, I felt even more shameless, so I replied to Zhou Jingjing in a bad voice.
Hu Jun had a girlfriend before Zhou Jingjing. The woman spent a lot of money on him, but she didn’t let him take advantage. One time, he got a little angry and wanted to force the woman to do it in the rented house, but he found that This kind of thing is not as easy as imagined. When the woman resists desperately, it is difficult for him to succeed.
/I didn’t expect that when my wife was raped, it would be so easy. She was settled in just a few clicks.
“I tried my best to resist! But he hit me! And he was a level 5 player teleported in. He was so powerful. How could I resist and win against him? His ferocious look at that time meant he wanted to kill me! If I resisted again Even my life is gone! You caused me to be retaliated for! Now you are saying this to me, are you still a man?” Zhou Jingjing couldn’t help but become even more angry after hearing Hu Jun’s words.
“Does he dare to kill you? If he really kills you, he will be exposed now, and Mr. Liu will definitely punish him! Or you are not resolute enough in resisting!” Hu Jun was annoyed by Zhou Jingjing’s scolding, but he did not dare to disobey the order and go for revenge. He had no choice but to put all the responsibility back on Zhou Jingjing.
“You mean to let him kill me to satisfy you, right?” Zhou Jingjing looked desperate.
/Hu Jun was silent. His chest was heaving violently and he was breathing heavily. The hand holding the dagger kept shaking. His eyes glared at the treadmill sitting a few meters away with his back to him, wanting to rush over at any time. The look of killing him.
But Mr. Liu and Han Guangming were also sitting in the middle hall. Although Hu Jun was extremely angry, he did not dare to act rashly. He knew that even if he wanted to kill the treadmill now, he would not be able to succeed if Mr. Liu and Han Guangming stopped him. In the end, he was imprisoned.
“Do you think I am the person who would do that kind of thing?” Treadmill asked Huang Weitao next to him.
“Who knows?” Huang Weitao replied to the treadmill.
“What do you mean? Damn it! We have been together for quite some time after all, right? Not to mention fighting side by side, living and dying together, etc., you still don’t understand me as a person?” Treadmill heard Huang Weitao’s words After answering, I couldn’t help but feel even more depressed.
“I know you very well, I just know you, so I’m not surprised at all that you would do something like this.” Huang Weitao looked gloating.
“I am so blind that I treat you as a friend! Alas! No one in this world can be trusted except myself! I thought I had such a deep friendship with you! At the