
erywhere and canopies that block the sun. It is impossible to even think about seeing the scene further away from here.

erywhere and canopies that block the sun. It is impossible to even think about seeing the scene further away from here.
“Master Liu, how can you overlook it like this?” All the team members looked very discouraged.
“It’s very simple. This is the highest point of the mountain. As long as you find the tallest tree and climb up, you can have a panoramic view of everything around you.” Liu Gan searched around and locked on one of the big trees. .
Looking at this big tree, the team members deeply doubted whether the trees in the Shivering World had also mutated after the disaster. The tree was unimaginably tall, estimated to be at least a hundred meters high, and was surrounded by countless strange shapes. The vines make it look quite ferocious.
/Because of the humidity, the bark of this giant tree and the surrounding vines were covered with moss. Coupled with the great physical exertion, it was not easy to climb this tree.
When Liu Gan was sitting and resting, Han Guangming and others went over to try it first, but no one could climb up. This kind of climbing is many times more difficult than ordinary climbing. Without rich climbing experience and comprehensive strengthening of physical fitness, it is indeed not easy to climb the tree in front of you.
Others can’t climb up, but now you can only find the way out by climbing to a high enough height, so no matter how difficult it is, Liu Gan must climb up himself.
Liu Gan used to be an expert rock climber, but this kind of climbing is completely different from his previous climbing. This is not the kind of rock wall where you can find support points. In addition to being smooth, the branches and vines may break at any time under the pull of his body’s excessive weight.
Although with Liu Qian’s current physical fitness, falling from a height of more than ten meters may not be a big problem, but if he were taller, his body might not be able to withstand such a huge fall. The impact was strong, and the tree was already more than a hundred meters high.
Under the gaze of everyone, Liu Gan quickly climbed to a height of more than 20 meters and almost disappeared from everyone’s sight. Some non-mutated monkeys were originally jumping above Liu Gan’s head, but now they all appeared under his feet.
Just as Liu Gan was sitting on a branch panting, a mutated monkey appeared on a branch not far away. After howling at Liu Gan a few times, he climbed the branches with both hands and rushed towards Liu Gan at lightning speed. Come, a pair of sharp claws seem to want to tear the willow stem into pieces.
Liu Gan also clung to the branches below him like a monkey and swung in a large circle, avoiding the attack of the mutant monkey. After swinging back, he supported the branches with both hands and swept the mutant monkey with his iron legs. Kicked away from the branch.
The mutated monkey let out a scream and was kicked away to an unknown location. Anyway, it did not come back to cause trouble for Liu Gan. It’s just that the tree root under Liu Gan’s body broke with a c