
ike Zhang Mengdi beside him.

“Are you the ones who destroyed one million warships of our Geji civilization?” After the Geji civilization fleet jumped out of the space tunnel, it immediately initiated a wide-area communication to Liu Qian. It could be heard from the tone that the fleet commander was Unusual rage.
“Do you have any objections?” Liu Gan replied to the commander of the Geki Civilization Fleet in a nonchalant manner.
Liu Qian’s current communication does not need other warships to relay it at all. His energy body can directly transfer what he wants to say back to the previous communication wave in the original way.
“Of course I have objections! I have great objections! Can you destroy the fleet of our Geki civilization at will? Open all your interfaces and surrender to us immediately! In addition, take down the commander who decided to destroy our fleet in the last battle. Send him here, I want to see who he is! He actually dares to attack the fleet of the Geji civilization!” The commander of the Geji civilization fleet said in an extremely angry voice.
/The Geji civilization has not dispatched such a large fleet for a long time. The 500 million warships are so vast that the commander of the Geji civilization fleet is very confident. The last time millions of warships sent battle information back, they lost to the opponent because of insufficient numbers. But this time it was different. There were 500 million warships. It was impossible for the opponent’s tens of millions of warships to belong to them. opponent!
“Okay! I’m the commander. Which one is your flagship? I’ll go over and have fun.” Liu Qian said and rushed towards the fleet of Geji Civilization and searched around.
Behind the Geji civilization fleet, there is a three-billion-ton Zong-class battleship, which is also the only Zong-class battleship. This Zong-class battleship is surrounded by more than ten Emperor-class battleships and more than a hundred Spirit-class battleships. There are countless battleships and small battleships. It can be seen that this battleship should be the flagship of the Geji Civilization Expeditionary Corps.
Liu Gan rushed over without hesitation. No matter how thick the armor of these warships was, they had no defense against the Neng clan. Liu Gan easily entered the hull of the Zong-level warship, and the energy in his body spread everywhere. Kai Lai quickly drained the life energy of the hundreds of millions of people on board the battleship, and then took control of the entire Zong-class battleship.
“Wuluo! Wuluo! Please answer when you receive it!”
“Zong-class battleship Wuluo lost contact!”
“What? What’s going on?”
“Wuluo! Wuluo! Please answer when called!”
Others The battleship kept calling to the only Zong-class Wuluo battleship.
“The Wuluo is now under my command.” Liu Qian laughed a few times and replied to the calls from other warships to the Wuluo. The energy body attacked again and quickly circled around the Wuluo. Geji Civilization All the soldiers on board more than ten emperor-