
the building. But now that he has missed this node because he got lost, it has become more difficult for him to reach the next node correctly. It seems that he has to change his previous travel plan.

the building. But now that he has missed this node because he got lost, it has become more difficult for him to reach the next node correctly. It seems that he has to change his previous travel plan.
Unknowingly, two hours passed. Liu Qian led Yinhe and Zhang Shengli to avoid the corpses, looking for a way forward, and unknowingly came to a large river that passed through the city. Wide green belts were built on both sides of the embankment of this big river. There were no zombies in the green belt beside the embankment at this time. Liu Gan, who was a little tired from walking, decided to rest here for a while and reorganize his thoughts.
Before the disaster, this place must have been a scenic spot. In the evening, many couples would come here for a walk, and there would also be some children chasing around the river embankment. But now in the green belt of the river embankment, apart from a small number of zombies, there are just rotten and smelly corpses of zombies.
In the river not far away, corpses floated by from time to time. Some seemed to be still struggling, but it was conceivable that they were not living people who fell into the water, but zombies who were not completely dead.
/“There seems to be someone over there.” Zhang Shengli pointed to a place by the river in the distance and whispered to Liu Gan.
Liu Gan looked in the direction of Zhang Shengli’s finger and saw that there were indeed two figures on the river bank there, each holding a bamboo pole and fishing for something in the water.
“Sit here and don’t move. I’ll go over and take a look.” Liu Gan estimated that the two people might be local survivors and might know the route to Fumanchun Supermarket.
Meeting other survivors or players in the city can be dangerous, but it is not a big problem for Liu Gan. Because he is confident that other survivors and players no longer pose a threat to him, and he is now a danger to others.
Sure enough, after seeing Liu Gan approaching, the two figures who were fishing for something in the river immediately lay motionless on the bank. Their bodies were covered with mud and covered with a lot of water plants. Provides natural cover.
But under the observation of Liu Qian’s super vision, he could clearly see their eyes, noses and mouths buried in the water plants, and he could even see their frightened eyes. These should be two teenagers. I don’t know what they were salvaging by the water. Maybe they were dressed like this to avoid being discovered by zombies or other players or survivors.
According to Liu Qian’s judgment on their ages and expressions, they should not be players, but probably local survivors. Now Liu Gan is lost and wants to find local survivors to ask for the correct direction to Fumanchun Supermarket. If the two of them are local survivors, it would be most appropriate to ask them for directions.
/Liu Gan continued to walk towards the river. The two figures crouching there looked a little panicked. From their eyes, Liu Gan could be sure that they were scared at this time and