
dn’t hear anything.

dn’t hear anything.
There must be something going on in Villa No. 8! Might there be clues to this mission?
/Liu Gan looked around, trying to find the entrance to the villa. Just when he turned the corner of the villa, he almost bumped into someone!
Shi Xinnuo made a silent gesture to Liu Gan.
“Did you notice anything weird here?” Shi Xinnuo whispered into Liu Qian’s ear.
“Yes, you discovered it too?” Liu Gan replied to Shi Xinnuo.
“The structure of this villa is exactly the same as my house. You can find a place to enter from the rooftop.” Shi Xinnuo pointed upward, and then handed a roll of rope to Liu Gan.
“Okay, let me try.” Liu Gan looked around, quickly climbed up a big tree next to the villa, jumped from a branch to the rooftop of the villa, and then dropped the coil of rope to on the ground.
Shi Xinnuo pulled the rope and quickly climbed up to the rooftop. The entrance she was talking about was the Western-style fireplace chimney on the roof. There was an iron grate at the chimney mouth, and there was some kind of special lock on it. Shi Xinnuo could use it. The chimney key in her house opens it.
The chimney is half a meter wide, which is enough for a person to climb down from it. Of course, it requires certain skills. You must have enough strength in your hands and legs to support your body in the inner wall of the chimney.
All this was really childish for Liu Gan. He crawled down the inner wall of the chimney easily. Shi Xinnuo was not as good as Liu Gan. She came down slower. When Liu Gan landed, She suddenly couldn’t hold herself up and fell straight down.
Fortunately, Liu Gan reacted quickly and moved his body slightly away from the fireplace and reached out to catch Shi Xinnuo, preventing her from falling five meters high and breaking her leg.
If an ordinary person had used his hands to cushion the momentum of Shi Xinnuo’s fall, his arm would have been injured or even broken. Fortunately, Liu Qian’s iron hands and arms allowed him to sit in the fireplace and completely remove Shi Xinnuo’s fall. With so much force, Shi Xinnuo’s body finally completely hit Liu Qian’s body. She didn’t seem to be injured, but it caused some pain in several places on Liu Qian’s body.
/‘Bah! With a bang, some lights appeared in the hall on the first floor of the villa, which seemed to come from somewhere.
There was some firewood stacked at the entrance of the fireplace, almost covering the entire fireplace. Liu Gan felt that something was wrong and stayed in the fireplace without moving. Shi Xinnuo could only maintain the posture of pressing on Liu Gan and did not dare to move. , worried that the owner of the room would discover something unusual here.
A bean aroma spread from the hall to the fireplace, much like the aroma of soy milk and freshly made tofu. After a while, the lights in the hall also turned on, and a beautiful woman in her thirties came up from the basement stairs. , came to the hall on the first floor. She was wearing an apron and seemed to be busy with something in the base