

Because the timelines of the two sides are inconsistent, Liu Qian is not very clear now. Does these three months refer to the three months he stayed in Tundra City, or whether the timeline when leaving Tranquility City is pushed back three months, or whether it is necessary. Wait until the time of Tundra City is consistent with Tranquility City, and then push it back three months.
Anyway, returning to Tranquility City is out of control for the time being. What he can control a little now is to use the portal in the ring to teleport to another unknown location.
/Liu Qian didn’t know what that unknown place was like, and he didn’t know if it would be transferred back to the past timeline. If Liu Qian just teleported there so recklessly, he still didn’t know what the three-month deadline was. The thing is, when the three months of Tranquility City and the three months of Tundra City are combined, the timeline including the return will become more complicated.
/In this case, it is better to spend these more than ten days first, see if you can teleport back to Tranquility City after staying in Tundra City for three months, and then consider the next plan.
At that time, teleporting from Tranquility City will be no different from teleporting in Tundra City.
“If the Galaxy wants to fly, the main engine must be repaired. After preliminary maintenance, most of the main engine has been repaired, but it is missing an important core component: the psychic amplifier. If we can get a psychic amplifier, the Galaxy The ship is almost ready to fly out of the snow-capped mountains.” Bo Min reported the progress of the work to Liu Qian. Of all the things, she was most concerned about repairing the entire Galaxy.
“Mo Fan, the psychic amplifier, does he have a mission in this area?” Liu Qian asked Mo Fan.
“Yes, the 6-star difficulty mission is currently open to us, but I cannot claim this mission.” Mo Fan shared a found mission into Liu Qian’s field of vision.
“I can, and I can also bring one person in.” Liu Qian said to Mo Fan after trying it.
“I’ll go with you.” Anna proposed to Liu Qian, but when Mo Fan shared the mission, Anna couldn’t receive it.
Guo Tian and others also came over and tried one by one, but they were unable to accept this task.
“I can.” Ryoko Sanada tried but unexpectedly succeeded.
“Why is this?” Anna frowned.
“No reason, because he and I are a perfect match!” Ryoko Sanada said with a proud expression.
“No, it should be because you are an energy body, and Brother Liu also has a relatively high level of energy, so you can participate in this task related to psychic energy.” Mo Fan corrected Ryoko Sanada.
“Maybe it’s based on strength. The strength of the two of them is the highest among everyone.” Mint didn’t completely agree with Mo Fan’s opinion.
No matter what the reason is, since the conditions are met and Liu Gan is idle, he should go and complete this task, install a psychic amplifier on the Galaxy, and drive the Galaxy out of the snowy mountains. Maybe it can be done Flying