
while removing the threat of incendiary bombs.

while removing the threat of incendiary bombs.
After a round of chaos just now, except for Mo Fan’s precise marksmanship that killed two opponent level 2 players and advanced to level 3, the other team members have not yet upgraded and are still in the panic of just shooting and killing people. among.
“Ke Ming, what are you worried about? Kill them quickly! You can only upgrade to level 3 by killing them! Only by upgrading to level 3 can you survive! Only then can you not become my drag!” Mo Fan said to Ke who was trembling all over. Ming yelled and pushed her towards an injured player in Area B who was screaming in front of him.
“You have to hurry up! Those two people are calling for rescue!” Liu Gan observed the situation in his field of vision and urged everyone.
“You don’t know how to kill? Why have I never seen you so stupid? If you don’t want me to look down on you, show up with courage!” Mo Fan saw that Ke Ming was still trembling and hesitating. He, who had always been calm, was so angry. He yelled at her.
“I’m not that stupid!” Ke Ming was angered by Mo Fan’s words. He kicked off the helmet of the injured man on the ground, picked up the gun and pointed it at the man’s head at close range.
“Shoot! If you don’t shoot, you’ll be a pig! Don’t expect me to think highly of you!” Mo Fan couldn’t help but cursed again when he saw that Ke Ming didn’t pull the trigger.
/Hearing Mo Fan scolding Ke Ming, Liu Qian couldn’t help but think of the scene when he trained Lulu to kill zombies. However, his state of mind now is very different from that then. Plus, as a bystander, he couldn’t help but think of this scene. The scene is not as angry as Mo Fan.
If these people can do it, he will help them by the way. But if they can’t, Liu Gan will turn around and leave, doing whatever he has to do.
“Don’t kill me, please! I don’t want to die! I want to go home! I’m only eighteen years old. My parents will be very sad if they know I’m dead!” The injured player in Area B on the ground saw an opportunity. , and quickly began to plead with Ke Ming. Ke Ming, who was about to pull the trigger, hesitated again when he saw the man’s pleading look.
“Stupid and useless woman! I’ll pretend I’ve never known you! They’re coming around! Let’s go!” Mo Fan finally cursed Ke Ming a few words and then said hello to the others, turned around and ran away in the distance.
“That’s enough! Stop scolding!” Ke Ming finally pulled the trigger and fired several rounds of bullets at close range, killing the player in Area B on the ground.
/At this time, Li Qingyi, Wang Lujia and others had already shot all the other wounded in Area B who fell on the ground. Li Qingyi was promoted to level 3. After hearing Mo Fan’s words, they all retreated out of the jungle.
More than a dozen Zone B players rushed over from behind a big tree not far away. They were obviously reinforcements called by the two Level 2 players in Zone B who had just escaped. Fortunately, there was a gathering place for Level 2 players in Zone B nearby. So these reinfor