
many books there were, how many people taught him, and how late he had to go to bed every day.

many books there were, how many people taught him, and how late he had to go to bed every day.
“Really?” Hao Ying asked in surprise.
“Of course it’s true!” Zhao Song followed his tone and came closer, “Young men are born to be sealers, so you should look at this sentence with admiration!”
/“Tch!” Two pairs of white eyes drifted along the cold wind. Come over.
“Hehe” Zhao Song didn’t care and looked at the majestic Meridian Gate of Mu Forbidden City in front of him.
There, tens of thousands of blue lights have already lit up. Within the city walls of Shenwumen, rows of red lanterns are reflecting the brilliant lights.
Thousands of palace lanterns lit up at the same time, creating a dreamy and illusory spectacle that stunned the entire audience. Among these bright lights, the most eye-catching ones are the pair of “sky lanterns” and “longevity lanterns” erected above and below Danbi in front of Qianqing Palace.
In the Qing Dynasty, during the Spring Festival, the Forbidden City was brightly lit, with only two places equipped with sky lanterns and longevity lanterns.
One is the Qianqing Palace and the other is the Huangji Palace.
Seeing this, Zhao Song didn’t feel much, as long as it looked good, it would be even better if Xiao Yu could see it.
At this time, Zhao Song, who was possessed by the drama spirit, sighed deeply: “In my previous life, when I lived here, how could countless unscrupulous people dare to come to admire the lanterns! Things are unpredictable!”
Xiao Yu blinked her big eyes and looked at Zhao Song for a while . , then nodded seriously, looked towards the direction of Cining Palace like a scholar, and sighed like a young adult: “Yes, the Ai family’s palace is now connected to electricity!”
everyone burst out laughing, unable to restrain themselves because of the two brothers’ amusement.
Zhao Song also rubbed Xiao Yu’s little head in a funny way, and the handsome guy on the side also joined in the fun and came over to grab Xiao Yu’s ponytail.
“Go in!” After the laughter was over, Zhao Song led everyone into the Meridian Gate.
At this lantern festival, not only Zhao Song’s group of people, but also many people related to the press conference came.
Director, stage design, planning, lighting, etc.
Everyone is here not to relax, but to give everyone a final reference for the upcoming press conference.
The capital city at this time is a big construction site. Apart from the Forbidden City, there is really nothing to show for it.
/Every room of the Forbidden City, which has been built for more than 600 years, has countless stories. The antiquity and tradition of flower growers can be fully reflected here.
The press conference is at night, but the Forbidden City is rarely open at night, let alone the Forbidden City with lights. This time is the best opportunity!
In a hurry and with a makeshift program, in order to further improve the overall quality of the press conference, apart from the team’s efforts, the rest can