
ergy released protected me, the powerful force of the lightning still pushed me back.

ergy released protected me, the powerful force of the lightning still pushed me back.
“You have quite a bad temper.” I patted the dust raised on my body and sneered.
“Shanzi, are you okay?” The fat man yelled at me from behind.
/I waved my hand and said, “It’s okay, it’s just an untamable wild horse.”
As soon as I finished speaking, I took a few steps forward, and another bolt of lightning was released from the divine sword, and this time I already had Prepared. The cave sea was completely open before the lightning reached me. The lightning struck me without much reaction. The arc traveled around the air mask in front of me and then spread out. I glanced at my gas mask. In the ownerless state, the lightning cast by the Divine Sword after protecting itself can actually break the air shield into cracks, which is quite remarkable. If the Seven Kills Ghost Sword back then wanted to attack my Qi shield, it probably wouldn’t necessarily have such an effect even if it lasted a day and a night.
“The wind has blown. The lightning has also blown. What else do you have?” I seemed to be talking to my opponent instead of a sword.
Walking towards the Divine Sword step by step. When I got closer, I discovered that although the fragments were brought together, the cracks had not disappeared. The divine light was only produced by the splicing of the two fragments together. That is to say. If you want to restore the divine sword again, you still need to build it!
“Come with me.” As I spoke, I reached out and held the hilt of the sword. Unexpectedly, the third test of this divine sword came just now, and the white light turned into huge energy and rushed into my mind. Soon countless illusions were created in my mind, and my ears were ringing. I closed my eyes slightly and frowned under the violent noise.
The noise continued in my ears for a good three or four minutes, and then suddenly disappeared completely. A voice appeared in my head.
“Hill.” I paused, turned around, and saw many people appearing in the distance. Under the white light all around, these people were getting closer and clearer.
The people who finally stood in front of me turned out to be the people who died because of me over the years, including Lai Guodong, old man Youtao, and Uncle Jia.
“Shanzi, what are you doing here?” Lai Guodong shouted to me. He looked like He had the same steady smile on his face as he did more than ten years ago.
“Have you read all the books I asked you to read? Are you still lazy here? Come here!” Old Tao said to me indifferently, with indifference between his brows.
“This time, it’s your turn to help me, Ba Xiaoshan.” Uncle Jia’s voice was still as strong as an old but still majestic lion.
/The dead stood before me, nothing else visible in the white light, shouting at me to pass and all I could hear were their voices.
“Hey.” At this moment, I lowered my head and sighed softly.
“Why are you still standing there? Come here!” Lai Guodong waved to me and shouted.
Looking up again, I smiled and said: “I owe you ev