
ust poked their heads were split open as easily as paper.

ust poked their heads were split open as easily as paper.
It’s not that these resentful ghosts are not strong, but Zhang Jian’s swordsmanship and even the extreme yang mana can restrain the ghosts in the woods. The superposition of multiple conditions can naturally play a very different role.
Bai Xianyin was not surprised when she saw Zhang Jian chopping vegetables and melons to get rid of these evil spirits, but her eyes fell on the Dragon Sword in Zhang Jian’s hand, and her eyes were a little surprised.
In her opinion, the material of the Dragon Song Sword was not very outstanding, but the spirituality contained within it was quite dazzling in front of her who was of the same origin.
Her heart moved slightly, but she still held back the words that came to her lips.
/But they saw that as the ghosts that poked their heads out of the locust trees were killed, the heavy fog in the mountain forest was slowly dissipating.
A completely different scene emerged inside.
The ancient wood wolf forest has towering trees.
“It’s so noisy!”
Looking at the woods, Bai Xianyin’s face showed worry.
Not only her, but Zhang Jian also heard countless babbling sounds in the forest.
There was also a layer of intense divine power sweeping in from all directions.
A fishy smell breaks out from it!
That is a mountain patrol general!
It appeared in the noise, covered with gray and white mushrooms, and in an instant a steel fork flew towards Zhang Jian!
The steel fork was extremely fast, like lightning.
Zhang Jian felt the deep divine power contained in it and his face changed slightly, but the Dragon Sword in his hand was lightly held in front of him, and the sun and moon swordsmanship was displayed like a horse.
The steel fork collided with the sword body, and Zhang Jian faintly felt a magnificent and strange power. However, although the power was huge, it did not possess the brilliance of mana.
“It seems that it is another monster that has not been systematically passed down. It is just that the evil spirit is deep and it lives longer.”
The Dragon Sword in Zhang Jian’s hand was spinning, and the long sword suddenly thrust out the mountain god’s face in an unprecedented and tricky way, blazing fiercely. The sword light burst out from the tenacity at the same time.
Flying swordsmanship!
The long sword in Zhang Jian’s hand came out for the first time, and the sword light rotated almost close to the mountain patrol general’s face, slicing his neck in half.
The severe pain caused the mountain patrol god to let out a fierce scream, but he continued to dive towards Zhang Jian without fear of death, his eyes flashing with strong resentment.
On the big tree, Bai Xianyin blinked and looked at this scene. She could tell that the patrolling god general had been eroded by the terrifying resentment in Fengchao Mountain and had entered the devil’s way.
Even the mountain patrol god general can’t cast the spells he originally possessed!
/She believed that Zhang Jian, a fortune-telling monk, would not b