
s the aliens lose the environment for evolution, and the aliens can only exist in an ordinary form in the end.

s the aliens lose the environment for evolution, and the aliens can only exist in an ordinary form in the end.
Obviously, the earth is a planet suitable for alien survival, but not a planet suitable for alien evolution.
Thinking of this, Liu Fei suddenly became enlightened and couldn’t help but sigh again. The humans in the six star regions may have never dreamed that the troubled earth would be a pure land. If the humans in the six star regions knew that the aliens on the earth were not If it poses a threat, it is estimated that overwhelming humans will have already swarmed here.
During the exchange, Liu Fei told Muhammad and others about the situation of the six star regions without reservation.
In Liu Fei’s eyes, there was nothing to hide. It was Liu Fei’s frankness that gradually reduced the vigilance of Muhammad and others. However, this kind of frankness did not win Muhammad’s complete trust. When asked about the situation on the earth, Muhammad remained tight-lipped, and several other big men basically He didn’t speak, just listened to the conversation between Liu Fei and Muhammad.
In Muhammad’s eyes, Liu Fei’s mercenary background was annoying.
In the eyes of people on earth, mercenaries are directly related to burning, killing and looting, because in the early years, many interstellar tomb robbers would hire a large number of mercenaries to provide force protection.
Of course, Muhammad didn’t really take Liu Fei seriously. In his eyes, Liu Fei was just a mercenary leader with only twenty subordinates. His purpose was nothing more than to get some valuable antiques and handicrafts back on Earth.
/Muhammad was thinking about maximizing profits, and he was very appreciative of Ledewang’s ability to obtain an optical computer.
The earth’s antique handicrafts no longer have any meaning to the people on earth. If you can exchange those rags for needed supplies and equipment, it will be a huge reward.
“If you are willing to provide us with some needed materials, our tribe is willing to provide you with clues, and even provide you with manpower, how about it?” Muhammad put forward his own suggestion.
“Of course you can, but it depends on whether you can survive this difficulty.” Liu Fei had already understood their intention and did not reveal it. During the exchange, Liu Fei did not reveal his intention to establish a base on the earth. He could do these things without the help of the people on earth. What he needed to understand now was the true intention of the people on earth.
Liu Fei never takes any potential threat lightly.
If the earth’s environment does not allow him to establish a base, he will not hesitate to eradicate those threats that endanger the security of the base and carry out thunderous strikes.
“Our tribe is invincible, we are earth warriors!” Hearing Liu Fei’s doubts about the strength of their tribe, Muhammad raised his thick arms and shouted.
“Earth warrior!”
“Earth warrior!”
/Several other big men and Le Dewang also followed the big man, with fanatical expressi