
to what he most wants to see. It’s a pity that you keep rejecting him. You want to break away from him and 507 Institute again and again. “It doesn’t matter what the situation was at that time, Old Man Tao actually had a clear conscience. At that time, I just wanted to make some money and live a good life. I never thought about becoming a great leader. I never thought about establishing my own force.

to what he most wants to see. It’s a pity that you keep rejecting him. You want to break away from him and 507 Institute again and again. “It doesn’t matter what the situation was at that time, Old Man Tao actually had a clear conscience. At that time, I just wanted to make some money and live a good life. I never thought about becoming a great leader. I never thought about establishing my own force.
“But then he changed his mind about you,” Uncle Jia said next to him at this time. “The opportunity to change his mind was the bet between you and Scorpio.”
Back then, I represented Mr. Sha in the battle, and I fought with Deputy Director Xia’s subordinates. Scorpio gambling war, at that time Scorpio was a famous figure in evil ways. And the internal evaluation level is also quite high.
“In the eyes of everyone, you can’t win, including Mr. Sha. In fact, he doesn’t want you to win, but wants you to lose, even if you lose. He also has a way to make Deputy Director Xia retreat. And you lose. After that, he had more reason to pull you into 507 and be his successor with peace of mind. But you actually won. When I followed Mr. Sha back that day, his face was always gloomy, because if you lose. , that means you are still just an ordinary person, you have not crossed that line. You are still in the ranks of mortals. Even if you know a little magic, it doesn’t matter, but you won from that day on. It meets Mr. Sha’s requirements for a successor, and from that day on, he rarely mentioned letting you take over.”
I thought about it carefully, and it seemed that was really the case.
“But Zhong Baibian is more capable than me. He’s a damn earth immortal. He can be said to be a master who stands at the top of the world. Doesn’t this even more in line with Sha Lao’s requirements?” I asked strangely.
“Don’t be anxious, continue to listen to us. There is a reason why I mentioned what Deputy Director Xia said to you, because the past Mr. Sha was not what he said. Although the past Mr. Sha He is strict, but he understands the overall situation and understands the consequences. But after so many years of searching for a successor to no avail, his health getting worse and worse, and struggling on the edge of life and death every day, you, his last hope, no longer fit in with his heart. When asked. He has changed. Although he has never said it to us personally, we can all feel it after following him for so many years. Rather than finding a perfect successor who may never appear, it is better to Let yourself always be the director of Institute 507, because only he is the most perfect.”
These words came out of A’s mouth and I was shocked, and I finally understood the meaning of Deputy Director Xia’s words.
/“So, Mr. Sha wants to be the director of Institute 507, but why didn’t he say it earlier? Even if he said so, no one would object.”
“Haha, Xiaoshan, you are too high for us . See. We are also human beings, and even though we have experienced many ups and downs, our moods will change. The older we get, the more afraid we are